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With dental veneers, you can dramatically transform your smile in just two dental visits. Saving you the hassle of complex or lengthy procedures, this cosmetic dental treatment is straightforward, quick, and minimally invasive. Dental veneers may be ideal for you if you’ve always dreamed of having a harmonious Hollywood smile that you can feel confident and happy with. At Joshua Lange DDS, we customize dental veneers based on your needs, goals, and budget and use the latest technology to ensure your comfort and the most amazing natural-looking results.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells that are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth and hide minor smile imperfections. These may include gaps between teeth, chips, cracks, or uneven surfaces or shapes. This revolutionary cosmetic dental treatment is the easiest way to transform your smile since it only requires two dental visits to our dental office in Temecula, CA.

How Do Veneers Work?

The initial step toward getting veneers is a consultation with our dentist. During your consultation, the dentist will assess your oral health, examine your teeth and gums, and take any necessary X-rays or scans. If you are a good candidate for veneers, the placement process can begin.  To prepare your teeth for the placement of veneers, our dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel. Impressions are taken of your newly prepared teeth to ensure a proper fit. Temporary veneers can be placed while you wait for the customized ones to be ready. 

Once your permanent veneers arrive back from the lab, our dentist will carefully place each veneer onto your teeth and check their fit and color. Our dental team will make any necessary adjustments, and then bond the veneers to your teeth.

What Are the Different Types of Veneers?

At Joshua Lange DDS, we generally use two types of veneers: porcelain and composite. Porcelain veneers are very thin but durable and look very natural. They are an ideal choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth and are also stain-resistant. Composite veneers are also tooth-colored and may be a more convenient option for some patients. They are just as versatile as porcelain veneers and can be used to cover small chips, cracks, and stains. However, unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers are more susceptible to staining and do not last as long.

Do Veneers Require Special Care?

Veneers don’t require any special routines or care. To maintain them and your new smile, you will need to keep up with your regular oral hygiene routine, brushing twice daily and flossing once daily, and with your routine dental visits and cleanings every six months.

To learn more about veneers and how they can help transform your smile, visit Joshua Lange DDS at 26810 Ynez Ct Suite E, Temecula, CA 92591, or call (951) 695-2222.

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